
Wednesday 29 December 2021

Effective Tips To Reduce The Physiological Impact Of Dyssomnia

 Dyssomnia is a medical condition that causes difficulty sleeping well. There are various types of dyssomnia including insomnia, narcolepsy, and obstructive sleep apnea, which causes difficulty falling asleep or keeps you awake at night. In addition to recharging your body from the day's activities and keeping yourself fresh and healthy, dyssomnia can be a barrier to your wellbeing and happiness. Many physical and mental problems can also result from it, such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and depression. Let's look at some effective ways to reduce the physiological impact of insomnia in your life.

Causes Of Dyssomnia

Dyssomnia may have a variety of causes and varies from person to person. Below are some common causes of dyssomnia.

Physical factors- A variety of sleep disorders are caused by physical ailment and hereditary factors, such as sleep apnea. In this condition, the passage of air to the lungs is blocked due to a malfunction of the throat muscles. Additionally, there are various physical conditions like severe back pain, spinal problems, and other chronic diseases that will affect sleep.

Due to the hectic lifestyle today, most people, including the younger generation, experience severe stress and tension. As a result, many suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia. Earlier, people had so much time to deal with their stress and so many people to share their problems with. Today, however, people are too busy and have no one to share their problems with. They are more prone to psychological problems, such as depression. Sleep can also be negatively affected.

Lifestyle factors - There are many lifestyle factors that affect sleep such as working in rotational shifts, travelling across different time zones on the same day, engaging in stressful jobs, etc. Working too many hours a day and not being able to sleep at the right times can affect the circadian rhythm and lead to sleep disorders.isorders. Too little physical activity for too many days can also cause the same problem.

People may also experience sleeplessness as a side effect of some drugs they take for certain diseases. The chemotherapy used for cancer treatment can cause severe fatigue and sleep disorders in most people. A sudden discontinuation of pain-relieving drugs may cause a state of sleeplessness if they have been used for a long period.

How To Deal With Dyssomnia?

There are ways to effectively reduce the effects of dyssomnia on your body and gradually return to a normal life.

Work out at least 30 minutes a day. Doing so will keep you healthy and help you sleep better. There are certain yoga postures and breathing techniques that can aid you in improving your sleep. You can also reduce your tension through meditation and get a good night's sleep.

Set your bedroom –The setting of your bedroom is very important in guaranteeing you a sound sleep. Try to keep your bedroom silent and cool by avoiding unnecessary noise and light. Don’t bring gadgets like TV, laptop and mobile phones to your bedroom. Listen to some soothing music or read a book that will refresh you and offer good sleep.

Get a good mattress – A quality mattress can take you a long way in getting good sleep at night. For that, you must first check whether the mattress you are currently using is out-of-date. Then it’s time to dispose the same and get a good mattress that suit your family’s sleep preferences. The major mattress types available today include pocket spring mattress, memory foam mattress, gel mattress, latex mattress and organic mattress.

Take medications –Not every sleep disorder can be cured by home remedies. Some may have deep rooted causes that need a medical attention. So, if you are still facing sleep problems after following the above tips, consult a doctor asap. Sometimes, you will have to take some medications for fast relief from the problems.

Mattresses For Sale In Manama

In Bahrain, American Beds is the most prominent bed store providing supreme quality mattresses for sale. Using the latest bedding technology, we design mattresses that offer complete support and comfort for our customers. Our website offers a wide selection of mattresses and bedding accessories at an affordable price, or you can visit our store for a free consultation.

Tuesday 23 November 2021





Waking up in the morning can be challenging for some people. It's difficult to get up from your smart grid mattress. Even if you are not a morning person, these tricks will certainly make it easier for you to get up in the morning when you are sleeping on the best mattress in bahrain.

  1. Don't let your alarm wake you up in the morning! When the alarm is right next to you, it's easy to hit snooze. Set the alarm far enough away so you must physically get out of bed to turn it off. Avoiding the snooze button can also help you set your internal clock, otherwise known as your circadian rhythm, which eventually makes getting up in the morning easier.

  1. Bright! Turn on the lights. Let's go. Go outside if you can, or even take a short walk. You might even consider sleeping with your blinds open so that the morning sun wakes you up. The light serves to wake up your brain and can help keep your circadian rhythm on track.

  1. Exercise! Nothing beats a morning workout. This not only keeps your body fit and wakes you up for the day, but it also helps you sleep better, which makes it easier for you to wake up. It's a win-win for you.

  1. Make sure you have the right mattress : Having the right support and comfort while sleeping can do wonders for your health. Your level of restorative sleep will improve when you sleep comfortably. Getting a good night's sleep makes it much easier to wake up in the morning.Hint: The Sleep Company's Smart GRID mattresses are the very best for a good night's sleep! A pain-relieving mattress and the best mattress for back pain, you can never go wrong with this one.

  2. Having a consistent bedtime is one of the most important things you can do to protect your sleep. You will soon notice you wake up without your alarm clock on the same time every day when you settle on a consistent bedtime and wake-up time. Congratulations, you are now a morning person!

There are tricks that can help you become a morning person even if you aren't a natural. Getting out of bed isn't the worst part of your day with a little advance planning and adjusting your sleeping schedule. By training yourself, you can wake more easily in the morning.

Do this Before Sleeping


Even stress cannot be placed on the importance of a good night's sleep - a minimum of 8 hours is what the human body needs to cope with today's fast-paced world. Most of us have no problem falling asleep and staying asleep the entire night, but for a few others, sleep issues range from finding it hard to drift into deep sleep to waking up several times during the night. You can now choose from some of the best mattress brands in Bahrain.

You can do these five things to ensure a good night's sleep -

  1. You need a high-quality, comfortable mattress to get great sleep - one that is firm, yet soft, that promotes air flow, has good elasticity, etc., Today, there are a variety of excellent mattress brands available to help you procure the best mattress. Mattresses are becoming increasingly popular these days, thanks to online shopping.

  2. Turn off all electronic devices - Whether it's your phone, laptop, tablet, or TV, make sure to turn off/avoid using them at least 45 minutes prior to going to bed. These devices emit blue light, which contributes to disturbed sleep and makes it harder to fall asleep quickly. Checking your phone before sleep is also a distraction that wakes up the mind and makes it harder to fall asleep.

  3. Dim the lights in your bedroom at least an hour before going to sleep. It is not bright lights that will help you drift into sleep mode faster, but dim lighting will alert your mind that it is time for bed. Turn off all the main lights and leave a low watt or voltage lampshade on until you go to bed. Sleep Company offers some of the best mattresses in India made using the patented SmartGRID technology.

  4. Just 10 minutes of simple meditation and breathing can improve the quality of your sleep. There are many apps available today that you can download onto your smartphone and use for free, such as Headspace and Simple Habit. Meditation is one of the best ways to unwind your mind after a long and hectic day before retiring to blissful slumber.

  5. Herbal sleep teas with chamomile or lavender have calming properties that can also help you fall asleep faster since they have relaxing properties that calm your busy mind. There are several varieties and brands of sleep aids available online or through herbal shops. You can try them out and see which one suits you best to help you fall asleep.

Visit to choose from a variety of mattresses.

Benefits of sleeping on good mattress

 How does the surface on which you sleep affect your quality of sleep? Undoubtedly!

Generally speaking, experts agree that changing one's mattress or sleeping surface has improved one's sleep and thus overall health. Aside from that, the most comfortable mattress can be subjective. Let's examine what researchers and medical professionals have to say about mattresses and the most important aspect of human health. 

A good mattress is what makes it good, right?

According to research, a medium-firm mattress with adjustable firmness promotes comfort, spinal alignment, and quality sleep. If you suffer from body aches and pains, a softer mattress will definitely make a difference in comfort. 

Studies suggest that latex foam puts less pressure on the body than memory foam. The foam is better able to resist sinking in, a common problem with memory foam. Although latex cannot completely avoid this problem, it can only delay it. Staying at a relatively comfortable temperature and sleeping position will be easier with this. Any mattress must support the healthy curvature of the spine. In addition, it should not overheat while sleeping.


When the upper airway passage becomes partially blocked, snoring occurs. To prevent snoring, keep your head and body well supported during sleep. Mattresses can lose their firmness over time when the springs begin to sag, and accumulated dust and sweat weigh them down. By keeping your spine aligned, a medium-firm mattress can prevent snoring, as well as distribute your body weight. 


As the mattress ages, dust, sweat, and allergens accumulate - potentially causing allergies. They can cause congestion and swelling in your throat, disrupting sleep and causing snoring. Asthma patients are especially at risk of this.


Drowsiness all day long is directly related to a disturbed sleep. A good night's sleep is affected by the surface you sleep on. Sleep deprivation drastically affects the areas of the brain responsible for speed and accuracy. Furthermore, it affects your ability to retain information, come up with new ideas, and organize information. 

Thursday 30 September 2021

An important role of Mattress in Your Health

 A lot of people suffering from ailments like varicose veins and back pain, arthritis or insomnia fall victim to scams that try to alleviate their symptoms. The claims of a mattress that promises to cure your properties are often not true and could cause individuals to be taken advantage of for a large amount of money and be left with a bed that is uncomfortable and painful. 

According to medical experts from The American Geriatrics Society, consumers must be wary of people who claim to sell them as therapeutic mattresses. It is crucial to select the products from top mattress makers such as American Beds 

Beds that can be adjusted aren't the best for your body because they restrict your body from switching sides and rolling easily. It is better to opt for the standard flatbed that allows you to roll naturally while you sleep. If you're looking to change it make the flat bed you have in your house into a bed by putting it on an adjustable frame and several pillows that are able to help your body. 

Many people believe that "The firmer the mattress, the better." However, if you awake each day feeling like you've taken an explosion of the air dryer an extremely firm mattress feel won't provide much benefit. It is crucial to consider the various levels of firmness offered by mattresses available and choose one that's appropriate for your body's needs. If you purchase a Mattress in Bahrain it's possible you will be able to take advantage of the trial period to see whether the mattress you've chosen is the right one for you. 

As you get older, you require greater support and relief to relieve pressure. A moderately firm mattress can give both and enable you to get the most comfortable sleeping experience you can get in the evening also. Medical professionals often recommend mattresses made from memory foam for those suffering from back or arthritis discomfort that's chronic. It's shaped to fit all body types and absorbs the motions of the body. This creates an impact cushioning. It's sensitive to body temperature and can adjust to the contours of your body when you contact it. It will return to its original shape after you press it. 

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Why Should You Consider The Best American Mattress?


Are you thinking about buying a replacement mattress? If it has been on your list of things that you want to buy for, there are several good reasons that you should go for the option of an American mattress


Additionally, a replacement mattress can help relieve pain, reduce stress, and improve your ability to concentrate during the day. You will get quality sleep. Here are some reasons you need to consider about the replacement of mattress.


1. Existing Mattress is Old

Most experts recommend that you get to replace the mattress about every 7 to 10 years. How long your mattress lasts often depends on several factors, including your environment, sleep habits, and more. Areas, where dust mites are more likely to collect or sleep patterns that are rough on your bed can cause it to wear out even before the recommended ten years. 


2. Kids Are Growing

Most kids can sleep almost anywhere, on virtually any surface. But the fact that they're going to sleep in some uncomfortable places doesn't mean that you should give them an awkward bed. Kids sleep tons because they need sleep to grow and develop properly. If they spend that time tossing and delivering fitful sleep instead of deep sleep, it can affect their ability to thrive.


3. You're in pain

If getting out of bed each morning could also be a painful experience, it would be that your mattress is causing a variety of that pain. Due to pain, they do not get a good sleep, which can impact several areas of their health and life. If you are continuously suffering from backache, you should think about changing the mattress. 


In the end, these are some reasons to think about AmericanMattress. So choose the mattress which fulfils all of your requirements.


Monday 30 August 2021

Importance of a Good Mattress for your health

Low quality or insufficient sleep can cause depression, poor concentration, and high blood pressure. According to research, around 1 in 3 people experience poor sleep quality. A perfect mattress is what makes a great night of sleep. Given that we spend approximately one-third of our lives in bed, it is worth researching how to get it right. 

What makes a mattress ideal? 

The perfect futon mattress should be soft and comfortable while still providing support for the spine. It should be no more than the longest person using the mattress. This means you'll need to take the mattress to a local shop. You should also make sure that your spouse is comfortable and satisfied with the mattress support. Couples who are likely to change in their weight could find this problematic. There are mattress options that have multiple layers of relaxation on each side of the bed. This might make it a viable option for couples. 

You know that adequate sleep is important for your overall health. You can improve your memory, your weight loss, or boost your immune system by getting eight hours of sleep. Your mattress could be hampering your chances for a restful night and better health. 

While the quality of your sleep can have a significant impact on how you feel, it's often overlooked.   

Health benefits associated with a high-quality mattress. 


Good spinal alignment 

Every part of your body needs to be supported by the mattress. Your lower back will not receive enough support, so your spine won’t be in neutral. A poor spinal alignment can lead over time to many problems, including chronic back pain. 

It's possible that your mattress is not providing the correct amount of support. Spring mattresses can put too much pressure on your hips and shoulders. This can result in tension in your lumbar region. You can avoid this by selecting an American Beds Mattress that supports your natural curve. 

Prevent pain 

There's a good possibility that your mattress is causing you back or joint pain. Proper alignment is crucial for pain-free sleep. Your mattress should support your spine throughout the night. It should relieve pressure points and support your posture. This will help to prevent pain

Thursday 1 July 2021

What is Pocket Spring Mattress

 You can find a variety of mattress sizes, shapes, and firmness levels. The best mattress is one that suits your needs and provides comfort. But what if there were a mattress option that was designed to fit all types of sleepers? Pocket springs were created in 1899. They have been widely used in mattresses ever since to support your body, regardless of how you sleep or what position you are in. Pocket spring mattresses could be the Best Mattress in Bahrain for you. 

What is a Pocket Spring Mattress and How Does It Work? 

It's easy to visualize a pocket spring mattress. Pocket spring mattresses are, as their name suggests. spring mattress There are hundreds of individual tempered springs, each individually stitched into a pocket of fabric. These pockets can be further stitched, glued or pinned together to make a chain of individual pocket springs. 

This spring system is best when layered with padding. It provides additional support and comfort to the user. Pocket springs can be applied to the mattress individually, limiting movement to a certain area. This makes the mattress an ideal choice for couples and co-sleepers who are not fond of rolling around in bed. 

This type of mattress is ideal for people who sleep on their backs. Side sleepers will notice that the springs below your shoulders and hips adapt to your body. The springs on your legs, however, won't. Every spring is designed to adjust to your body's support needs and keep your spine aligned during sleep. To ensure that a mattress of king size is stable, it should have at least 1000 to 1500 springs. The springs will respond positively to any position. The support is more important the more springs you have! Pocket spring mattresses are made of different materials such as foam or latex. 

What are the benefits of spring mattresses? 

Better air circulation 

It is not something anyone wants to do. The airflow between the coils is sufficient to provide cool sleeping conditions. 

It provides the perfect bounce 

While not everyone likes a firm mattress to rest on, others prefer something soft and cozy. Your mattress will be resilient due to its core of springs. It is suitable for stomach and back sleepers. 

Offers support for edges 

Not only do people sleep on their beds, but they also use them for sitting. The coils of spring mattresses can reach the edges. The mattress can be positioned so that you can sit comfortably on its edges. 

At a fair price 

People consider price when purchasing a mattress. The price of spring mattresses is lower than those from other brands. 

Monday 31 May 2021

The Best Mattress in Bahrain Is Only a Few Minutes Away!

 There is no comparison to some restful and unhindered sleep during the night. Great excellent sleep also enhances your general health -- physical in addition to mental. The mattress you sleep on has a massive role to play in the amount and quality of sleep you require. Hence, finding the Greatest Mattress at Bahrain is highly vital to remain fit, healthy and lively. 

 There is no"perfect answer" for the very best mattress in Bahrain since every mattress has its pros and cons. Moreover, every sleeper's tastes, body type, and personal sleeping experience are distinct. So, the best or the perfect mattress is the one that matches the requirement of your body and your comfort level. 

 Some of the factors that you Should Think about while Buying a new mattress are: 

 Your sleeping posture, 

comfort condition, 


Health circumstances, if any. 

The mattress you stash must be able to align your spinal column properly. A mattress that maintains the right alignment of the backbone not only averts back pain but also improves posture. 


Through this ultimate purchasing guide, we hope to help you find the ideal mattress in Bahrain according to your requirements. This guide will take you through the types of mattresses available in India, together with the set of negative and positive points of each one of these. 

 Once you get it clear about the kind of mattress you need, we have also recorded everything you want to learn about it. 

 By the end of the extensive buying guide, you'll also have the ability to know the things you must remember before making a purchase. You will also get guidance on the standard mattress sizes available in India. This will allow you to choose which size you need to go for. In the end, we also have recorded various tips to keep your mattress clean and maintain it. 

 Types of Mattresses Available in Bahrain: 

Since this manual is only meant for Bahrain clients, here are the Kinds of mattresses available in Bahrain: 

 Spring Mattress 

 A lot of individuals even call it a conventional mattress. There are still a lot of folks, especially the elderly, who favour nothing compared to a spring mattress. As the word suggests, spring mattresses are made up of metal springs, which can also be referred to as, coils. These springs are wrapped inside a layered cushiony cloth. 

 Mainly, two Kinds of spring mattresses are available in Bahrain: 

Open coil mattress 

Pocket spring mattress 

Open Coil Mattress 

Open coil mattresses are the ones that have interconnected coils at a metal mesh, all spread evenly across the mattress. These mattresses are also referred to as traditional innerspring mattresses. The open coils are connected in such a way the evenness goes through the top towards the bottom of the mattress surface. 


Among the biggest constraints of sleeping on an open coil, the mattress is the move of movement. These mattresses do not isolate movement transfer. Hence, they tend to disturb the partners while sleeping. If a partner tosses and turns, another one is likely to be disturbed. Thus, an open coil mattress does not allow unrestricted sleep at night. These mattresses can also be not able to present good contouring around the entire body. 

 Pocket spring mattresses are such in which metal springs are not interconnected. This not only prevents disturbance whilst sleeping but also divides the body weight in to different pressure zones. 


Pocket spring mattresses are better than open coil mattresses since they provide more support and better relaxation. These mattresses also supply good contouring across the body, eventually helping to keep the right spinal position.