
Monday 30 August 2021

Importance of a Good Mattress for your health

Low quality or insufficient sleep can cause depression, poor concentration, and high blood pressure. According to research, around 1 in 3 people experience poor sleep quality. A perfect mattress is what makes a great night of sleep. Given that we spend approximately one-third of our lives in bed, it is worth researching how to get it right. 

What makes a mattress ideal? 

The perfect futon mattress should be soft and comfortable while still providing support for the spine. It should be no more than the longest person using the mattress. This means you'll need to take the mattress to a local shop. You should also make sure that your spouse is comfortable and satisfied with the mattress support. Couples who are likely to change in their weight could find this problematic. There are mattress options that have multiple layers of relaxation on each side of the bed. This might make it a viable option for couples. 

You know that adequate sleep is important for your overall health. You can improve your memory, your weight loss, or boost your immune system by getting eight hours of sleep. Your mattress could be hampering your chances for a restful night and better health. 

While the quality of your sleep can have a significant impact on how you feel, it's often overlooked.   

Health benefits associated with a high-quality mattress. 


Good spinal alignment 

Every part of your body needs to be supported by the mattress. Your lower back will not receive enough support, so your spine won’t be in neutral. A poor spinal alignment can lead over time to many problems, including chronic back pain. 

It's possible that your mattress is not providing the correct amount of support. Spring mattresses can put too much pressure on your hips and shoulders. This can result in tension in your lumbar region. You can avoid this by selecting an American Beds Mattress that supports your natural curve. 

Prevent pain 

There's a good possibility that your mattress is causing you back or joint pain. Proper alignment is crucial for pain-free sleep. Your mattress should support your spine throughout the night. It should relieve pressure points and support your posture. This will help to prevent pain